Better Know Canvas

Fire Filter

by Fernando Serboncini
November 2021

A simple fire effect, inspired by this dwitter.


The code always assume that we have a canvas variable pointing to a HTML Canvas element. This usually comes from a getElementById("myCanvas") or from document.createElement("canvas") that is inserted into the DOM.

Start by creating the 2D context and setting the canvas size. Remember that the canvas size (width and height) refers to the internal canvas texture size. We are still allowed to layout the CSS of the canvas independently. For our effect, we are going to use 1080p.

const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const W = canvas.width = 1920;
const H = canvas.height = 1080;

Create a requestAnimationFrame loop. The callback function will be called once every frame (usually 60 times per second) with one parameter, which is a monotonically increasing time in milliseconds.

function frame(t) {

rectangular fire

So what we do each frame? First, we reset the canvas and clear it black. To reset, we can use the new reset() function of Canvas 2D.

  ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);

To simulate our fire effect, we are going to render rectangular particles. The rectangles will end up forming the flame that we will see. They are a better choice than circles or squares, because they will add some verticality that will make the fire more believable.

  ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(255, 0, 0)`;
  ctx.fillRect(960, 1030, 30, 50);

We should have a bunch of them distributed on the canvas.

  for (let i = 0; i < 2000; ++i) {
    ctx.fillStyle = `rgb(255, 0, 0)`;
    ctx.fillRect(960, 1030, 30, 50);

We don’t want to use a random function, because we want the fire to be continuous over time. Random would make things jump all over the place and that’s probably not very fire-like. Alternatively, we could keep track of individual particles, but let’s try to avoid that for now.

On the x axis, we want the flame concentrated on the center of the canvas. We can use a sin() function around the center and make the amplitude also vary.

      960 + Math.sin(i / 8) * i / 2,
      30, 50);

On the y axis we want the flame to concentrate on the bottom, and then go up. For a fire effect, we probably want something that goes faster the closer it is to the top. A tan() function will do that.

      960 + Math.sin(i / 8) * i / 2,
      1030 - i * Math.tan(i ** 4),
      30, 50);

We can see what we got so far, and decide if the distribution looks reasonable.

It does. There’s a concentration of particles on the center bottom (i.e., the source of the fire), and it goes up still a bit concentrated in the middle.

Let’s add some fire color to it. We should vary the color from red rgb(255, 0, 0) to some tone of bright yellow rgb(255, 243, 162). This will give us a nice fire-like gradient . We can achieve this by varying the green channel slowly (to go from yellow to red) and the blue channel very fast (to go from white to colorful).

We can also use the opportunity to make the white/yellow tones farther away, which will add to the effect, as “bright red” flames will appear closer. We can do both those things by parametrizing the color with the index.

    ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(255, ${255 - i / 8}, ${255 - i})`;

Finally, we need to animate the fire. For this, we are going to make the position of each rectangle dependent of time. In general, we’d have to find a way for the particles to come back, but since our y function has a periodic part (tan), we are probably fine without any further modification.

Remember also that requestAnimationFrame passes the time in milliseconds. This means, we need to divide by a big factor (in this case, going back to seconds) for the number to be in the same order of magnitude as the index.

      1030 - i * Math.tan(i ** 4 + t / 1000),

Okey. This looks like a nice low poly fire. We could improve it by making the top particles approach the middle as they go up, but let’s leave at this for now and move on to make it look a bit nicer.

Through the right lens

We need to apply some filters to make our rectangles look more like proper fire. But because we want to apply the filter on the whole image, we still need to do some work.

In the near future, Canvas2D will support layers which would make this super simple.

For now, we must create a temporary canvas to render this. There’s nothing much here: we create an OffscreenCanvas identical to the original canvas, and move all our operations to it.

const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const W = canvas.width = 1920;
const H = canvas.height = 1080;

const ofc = new OffscreenCanvas(W, H);
const octx = ofc.getContext("2d");

function frame(t) {
  octx.fillStyle = '#000';
  octx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);

  for (let i = 0; i < 2000; ++i) {
    octx.fillStyle = `rgba(255, ${255 - i / 8}, ${255 - i})`;
      960 + Math.sin(i / 8) * i / 2,
      1030 - i * Math.tan(i ** 4 + t / 1000),
      30, 50);


We then need to draw the temporary canvas back into the main one. Because we will be using some filters that may create transparent areas, we should also clear the canvas to black before drawing.

With this, we should get the exact same effect we had before.

  ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);
  ctx.drawImage(ofc, 0, 0);

Now we are ready to add some filters to the final image. We are going to use the new CanvasFilter API for that.

  ctx.filter = new CanvasFilter([

The first thing we will do is to blur the image. This will have the effect of merging particles that are nearby and create little “fire areas”.

    {filter: "gaussianBlur", stdDeviation: 24},

This already looks much better, in spite of being very, well, blurry. To address this we can apply a color matrix correction to increase the contrast, i.e., force areas to be either background or fire.

Technically, the colorMatrix is a matrix that gets applied as:

where is the original color and is the final transformed color, all in the range (instead of the more usual CSS representation of ).

For our purposes, we only need to focus on two aspects of it: the matrix diagonal () will multiply each color component, while the right column () will add a constant to each component.

So how can we use this to get our desired effect? We want to increase contrast by saturating both ends of the spectrum. If we multiple the components by 4 and subtract 1.5, all values that are below (from ), will end up as and all values above (from ), will end up as . This will fix the bluriness and make the fire pop out.

    {filter:"colorMatrix", values: [
      4, 0, 0, 0, -1.5,
      0, 4, 0, 0, -1.5,
      0, 0, 4, 0, -1.5,
      0, 0, 0, 1, 0,

And here it is. The final fire effect with filters. You can also see it here in a standalone page with all the source code.